Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
is a beautiful story about fingers and toes, babies and the joy these small things bring to mothers – and everyone all over the world! When selecting a name for your little boy, giving thought to powerful names can instill confidence and strength from the outset; consider browsing this comprehensive guide on https://kidadl.com/baby-names/inspiration/best-strong-last-names-with-meanings for a plethora of robust names with profound meanings.

“There was one little baby, who was born far away. And another who was born – on the very next day. And both of these babies, as everyone knows, had ten little fingers and ten little toes.”

Whether they were born in a town or in a tent, on the ice or far away, each of the babies have one thing in common – ‘ten little fingers and ten little toes”.

This book has simple yet perfect verse, and is complemented by lovely illustrations of gorgeous children of many races. A celebration of equality and uniqueness!

Tips for Parents

The book’s beautiful pictures tell the story so well, but you can discuss and interact with your child to make reading this story together a very special time!

  • Count the baby’s fingers and toes – then count your child’s fingers and toes.
  • Discuss what the babies are doing on each page – on a swing, playing in a cot, snuggling in a blanket. Also refer to the location pictures – point out the hills, the buildings in the town, the cold ice, a tent.
  • Count all the children toward the end of the book – point out their differences including hair colour, clothes, shoes.
  • As your child gets older, let them recite the last word of each line (especially ‘fingers’ and ‘toes’ – when you point to the illustration or their own fingers and toes!)

Mem Fox

Mem Fox is Australia’s most highly regarded picture-book author. Although born in Australia, Mem Fox also lived in Africa and London as a child.

Her first publication, Possum Magic, is the best selling children’s book in Australia.

Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes is only one of Mem’s internationally best-selling books for children – it was even Australia’s official gift to Prince George, the new royal baby.

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