Six Times Table Song

Multiplication times tables are a vital part of a child’s mathematical education.

This song has been made to help children learn and memorize their six times table.

How well can you multiply by six? Many adults learned the easier multiplication tables thoroughly and with great enthusiasm, but began to lose a bit of interest by about the time the 6 times table came around. So now might be a good time to show some energy and passion about math with your child and really help them master this phase of their numerical development.

One of the hallmarks of students who go on to be excellent at mathematics is a total mastery of multiplication of all numbers up until twelve.

Have fun with this song and before you know it your child will be ready for a bit of friendly competition – why not each quiz each other with random questions involving multiplication by six and see who comes out on top?

Times Table and Multiplication Resources

Times Table Charts – try using our 1-5 Times Table Chart when you first start teaching your child the times tables. When your child is ready to learn more multiplication you can try using our 1-10 Times Table Chart.

1-5 Times Tables Videos – this compilation of 1-5 times table videos have been taken from a range of sources from YouTube.

Multiplication Chart 1-100 – the multiplication chart 1-100 is another helpful tool to use when teaching multiplication to children.

View more videos like the Six Times Table Song on the guruparents YouTube channel.

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