Guru Parents has pulled together a fantastic range of interesting early childhood education resources. You’ll find invaluable advice from a range of articles, worksheets and videos we have collated to help parents educate their children.


Guru Parents is developing a range of free worksheets to help parents teach their children the basics of reading and math.

Hundreds Chart

Early Childhood Education Articles

Find the latest Early Childhood Education Articles from across the web.

Early Childhood Education Opinions

Find a range of opinion pieces to help teach your children the basics of reading and math.

8 Easy Steps to Great Story Telling

Book Recommendation: Magician


Here are some interesting videos on early childhood education that parents will find interesting and insightful.

Best Alphabet Videos on Youtube

Serious Play
"Serious Play" by Stuart Brown – May 2008

This presentation provides a scientific overview on the important role ‘play’ provides in the development in the human brain for animals, children and adults alike. It is a mostly a fun talk where Stuart Brown provides amazing examples of play in the real world. However there are some serious moments when he explains what can happen when play is suppressed.

Stuart Brown talks about the many different ways children can play. There’s body play, object play, rough and tumble play, spectator/emotional play, imaginative play and story play to name a few.

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